New website up

Posted at 11 May 2014
Tags: website, jekyll

My personal website reincarnated, once again. After my old website suffered heavily from spam in the past few months (those CAPTCHA crackers get better and better), and I was annoyed by my websites old-fashioned pmWiki software base, I decided to create a new one. To get rid of spammers once and for all, the decision for a completely static website (yes, pure, boring HTML files) was made. Fortunately, I did not have to write all these HTML files by hand – I found jekyll, a very sophisticated static website generator.

This nice piece of open-source software (together with lots of plugins) is perfect for this purpose. I don’t need to hassle around with spam, PHP (or other script language) security bugs, and bloated web interfaces anymore. The whole website can be edited with vi and the newly generated or modified content can be uploaded in a fast way via rsync. You can get more information about the software and the used plugins on the about page. Also note the enhanced jekyll plugins that I’ve forked on github:

Some updates for this website will follow soon. Also note the links that I post here sometimes without further description. They’re intended to be recommendations for others and bookmarks for myself. This is inspired by Matt Harzewski’s website source code on github.

If you spotted a mistake or want to comment on this post, please contact me: post -at- mkonrad -dot- net.
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